Listing description
unrefined sugary syrup can be produced directly from sugar beet. This thick,
dark syrup is produced by cooking shredded sugar beet for several hours, then
pressing the resulting mash and concentrating the juice produced until it has a
consistency similar to that of honey.
Detailed description
No other ingredients are used. In Germany, particularly the Rhineland area, this sugar
beet syrup (called Zuckerrüben-Sirup or Zapp in German) is used as a spread for
sandwiches, as well as for sweetening sauces, cakes and desserts.
Commercially, if the syrup has a dextrose equivalency (DE) above 30, the
product has to be hydrolyzed and converted to a
high-fructose syrup, much like high-fructose corn
syrup, or isoglucose syrup in the EU.
Many road authorities in North America use desugared
beet molasses as de-icing or anti-icing products in winter control operations.
The molasses can be used directly, combined
with liquid chlorides and applied to road surfaces, or used to treat the salt
spread on roads. Molasses can be more
advantageous than road salt alone because it reduces corrosion and lowers the
freezing point of the salt-brine mix, so the de-icers remain effective at lower
temperatures. The addition of the
liquid to rock salt has the additional benefits that it reduces the bounce and
scatter of the rock salt, keeping it where it is needed, and reduces the
activation time of the salt to begin the melting process.
$35.53/KG OR $16.15/IB
For more information:
mobile: +2348039721941
contact person: emeaba uche
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